Did you know…

…that a mosquito or tick bite can spread Zika Virus, West Nile Virus, and Lyme Disease?

They Transmit Viruses & Disease 

Mosquitos are the world’s deadliest animal, killing more than 700,000 people every year. Other pests such as bed bugs, ticks, fleas and lice can carry and transmit organisms like bacteria or viruses that cause fatal illnesses.

CDC: Cases Are Increasing 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that “illnesses from mosquito, tick, and flea bites are increasing in the United States.” 

“Zika, West Nile, Lyme, and chikungunya—a growing list of diseases caused by the bite of an infected mosquito, tick, or flea—have confronted the U.S. in recent years, making a lot of people sick. And we don’t know what will threaten Americans next,” said CDC Director Robert R. Redfield, M.D. 

These nuisance creatures cause itching, can be poisonous, or carry other fatal diseases like:

  • The Plague, which killed 1/3 of the European population in the 1300s, is also carried by fleas and is endemic to the southwestern US.
  • Typhus can spread to humans from bacteria found in infected mites, fleas, lice or mice.
  • Trench Fever is more commonly diagnosed in homeless populations, or in conditions where good hygiene is difficult.
  • Lyme Disease A growing problem, nearly 35,000 cases of tick-borne Lyme disease are reported to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) every year.
  • AsthmaAllergens from cockroaches have been known to be a cause of asthma in children, especially for those living in inner cities.
  • Fatal Bites and StingsPyrethroids protect against pests such as fire ants, wasps and bees, which can potentially cause fatal allergic reactions.

Pyrethroids reduce the risk of insect bites and control the insects that spread disease around the home and in places where people congregate, such as:

  • Schools
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing Homes
  • Libraries
  • Parks
  • Courthouses
  • Airplanes
  • Trains
  • Buses
  • Taxis
  • Movie theaters
  • Government buildings
  • Gyms
  • Businesses

Use of Home & Garden Pesticides

Pesticides represent one of several ways to control household pests. Many insecticides – the name for pesticides used to control insects – contain pyrethroids. As is the case with any product, all pesticides must be used properly and judiciously to minimize the impact on the environment.

  • Only apply pesticides to the identified problem areas
  • Don’t treat entire driveways, patios, sidewalks or similar outdoor surfaces that serve as avenues for run-off into sewers and storm drains; stick to the cracks and crevices where pests thrive
  • Use, store and dispose of unused pesticides according to the instructions on the product label
  • Don’t overwater and don’t allow water runoff into gutters, in-lawn drains or storm drains when watering treated areas
  • Dispose of unused pesticides according to the instructions on the product label

If you are going to use pesticides, make sure you apply responsibly to protect your family, community, and environment. Learn more here: https://applyresponsibly.org

Additional Pyrethroid Facts

  • Pyrethroids strongly bind to sediment and other natural materials in water bodies, which limits bioavailability to non-target organisms.
  • Pyrethroids protect the nation’s food supply by helping farmers control pests that threaten a wide range of important crops.
  • Manufacturers of pyrethroids promote the responsible use of their pesticides through stewardship programs aimed at growers, consumers and professional pest control applicators.
  • Pyrethroids are widely used in products for agricultural, vector control (e.g. mosquitoes), animal health, stored grain, home and garden, and turf and ornamental markets.

Additional Resources:

Benefits of Pyrethroids
Pyrethroid FAQs
Pyrethroids and Human Health
Pyrethroids and the Environment