
Pyrethroids are some of the most effective tools available in controlling mosquitos, which are the deadliest creatures known to man, claiming over 700,000 lives annually. Because many of the diseases carried by mosquitos are viral illnesses with no cure, vector control becomes an essential cornerstone of public health.

Vector control is critical for protecting children and adults from these diseases carried by the invasive Aedes – a species of mosquito that has rapidly migrated northward over the past two decades.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases:

  • Zika Virus, which causes devastating neurologic damage to developing babies;
  • Dengue Fever, which can cause a hemorrhagic fever like Ebola
  • West Nile, which can cause paralysis. 
  • Malaria, which kills more than 400,000 people annually – mostly children under the age of five. 

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